Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity


Ford Motor Company
It was Henry and Edsel Ford who helped put the nation on wings by encouraging the development of aircraft and an aviation infrastructure to serve the public. Their support for the original National Air Tours, along with Ford dealers across the nation, built public confidence in the safety and reliability of air transportation. In the spirit of the historic flight re-creation of the National Air Tours, Ford Motor Company is a sponsor for the 2003 Tour.

Aviation Foundation of America
The Aviation Foundation of America is organizing the National Air Tour 2003. The Tour is a natural fit with the foundation

Flight Explorer
Flight Explorer is providing the National Air Tour with the Tour flight tracking capability on our web site. Investigate the many capabilities of Flight Explorer.

Teton Valley Aviation -- Driggs, Idaho
When you are in the Grand Teton area don't miss this great operation in Driggs, Idaho. Teton Aviation is a full service FBO offering Teton view rides, instruction and full fuel and ramp services. The restaurant is fantastic! Stop by and visit them and say

Aviat Aircraft
Aviat Aircraft is providing two new Husky A-1B aircraft as official ships on the National Air Tour 2003. The Huskys will serve two critical roles, similar to those played by official ships on the original Tours. The first Aviat Husky will function as a scout ship, flying in advance of the vintage airplanes on the Tour. The second Husky will be the last to leave, observing the ships in front. The Husky airplanes will be painted in original National Air Tour livery.

Historic Aviation
Historic Aviation is providing operational support for the National Air Tour 2003. Historic Aviation opened for business in Minnesota nearly 30 years ago as an extension of the Horne family

Avblend is providing its engine treatment to National Air Tour aircraft. Avblend is the only product of its kind to be approved by the FAA for aircraft piston engines. Its flight-proven performance has given peace-of-mind to pilots and mechanics for decades!

Emery Financial -- Lending in CA, CO, GA
Our strong and genuine belief in the

Airguide Publications
Airguide Publications, Inc. is providing Flight Guide airport and frequency manuals to National Air Tour 2003 aircraft. Developed by Monty Navarre in 1960, Flight Guide is the nation
Don't miss viewing this National Air Tour promotional video. |
It's great fun, tells about the tours and invites folks to join in. Much of the video is original National Air Tour footage. We are using it for informational and fundraising purposes, and to encourage volunteers along the route! (run time aprox. 4 minutes)

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