Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

Historic 4,000-mile journey follows path of uncompleted 1932 tour with 25 vintage aircraft landing in more than two-dozen cities; Air Tour to celebrate Centennial of Flight in 2003
Read more about N.A.T History
In the mid-1920s, at a time when there was not even a single road reaching across the United States, air travel was beginning to unite the country. In capturing this spirit, the National Air Tours were conceived in 1925 to demonstrate the reliability of air travel, to encourage the development of safe and reliable aircraft, and to promote the building of suitable airports and ground facilities. The tours became one of the most successful promotional efforts of the 20th century. We hope not only to honor these pioneers of aviation, but to once again take the show on the road to let people see first hand just how far aviation has come.
When the 2003 National Air Tour arrives in a town; people will have a chance to see more than two dozen vintage aircraft from the 1920s and 1930s, including Ford tri-motors, Stinson tri-motors, and aircraft with romantic old names like Travel Air, WACO, Paramount, Curtiss, New Standard and Eaglerock. There will be bi-planes, monoplanes and flying boats, all harking back to the Golden Age of Aviation.
As was the case with the original tours, the Aviation Foundation is actively soliciting sponsorship, support and volunteers from cities and towns along the way. On a national level, companies wishing to play a part in the promotion of aviation and the preservation of our aviation heritage are being urged to participate as sponsors of the 2003 National Air Tour. Interested parties should contact the Aviation Foundation of America; 121 5th Avenue N.W., Suite 300; St. Paul, MN 55112. Telephone: 651-255-1999.
E-mail: NATIONAL AIR TOUR and the NATIONAL AIR TOUR logo are trademarks of Aviation Foundation of America.
In this coming year of 2003, we will celebrate the Centennial of Powered Flight as well as the Centennial of the Ford Motor Company. It will have been 75 years ago that the National Air Tours were at their zenith as well. If ever there were a year to celebrate the development of aviation, 2003 is it. And, what better way to do it that to re-create the National Air Tour.
Click here to view the schedule and tour map:
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Re-creating the National Air Tours is exactly what we are going to do! The Aviation Foundation of America, Inc., a non-profit public charity, is sponsoring the re-creation of the National Air Tours in the fall of 2003.
The objective of the re-creation of the National Air Tour harks back to its original roots to promote and showcase civil aviation and its progress. In 2003 we will have a special opportunity to show just how far aviation has come, both over the past century, and over the seventy-some years since the Tours were last held. We will also have the opportunity once again to "take aviation to the people" and show, first hand, the richness of our aviation heritage.
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