Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

This aircraft is piloted by Richard Pingrey of Selah, WA and Teresa Sloan of Ellensburg, WA.
Mountain Backdrop
The Robin J-1 sits on the runway with a mountain backdrop.
Crew of Three
The Robin J-1 has a crew of three.
Richard H. Pingrey
Native of Selah (Yakima), Washington. He is a retired airline pilot with service with both Pan Am and United airlines and was a former high school and college teacher. Dick holds Master degrees from Central Washington State University and the University of Idaho. He is an active flight instructor and was the founder of the aviation program at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake, Washington in the 1960s. He learned to fly while an undergraduate in college and has always enjoyed flying and restoring antique airplanes. In addition to being a rated pilot in airplanes he has pilot rating in gliders, balloons and helicopters. He also is an Airframe and Powerplant (A & P) mechanic. Dick has been an EAA and AOPA member since the 1950s and was a charter member of the National Association of Flight Instructors (Member number 77). Dick is the Curtiss Robin team leader and primary pilot for the Robin.
Richard Pingrey is honoring Dale Jackson
Elizabeth (Beth) Finger
A long time resident of Santa Rosa and Windsor, CA. Beth grew up around aviation and was active in flying hot air balloons and in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. She is a student pilot and recently soloed in a Cessna 152. She has worked in a variety of management positions and only recently become active in Aviation. Along with her husband, Randy Finger she is an active member of the West Coast Air Museum at Santa Rosa, CA. Beth will work with the Curtiss Robin sponsors to promote their company and products and take care of logistic problems for the team.
Randall Finger
Randy is in the process of completing his private pilot license. He is a member of EAA and the West Coast Air Museum at Santa Rosa, CA . Randy is a correctional officer for the Sonoma Country, California Sheriffs Department. He looks forward to building his own homebuilt airplane once he retires. Randy will serve as photographer and provide logistics support for the Curtiss Robin team.
Virgil Thovson
Virgil has been involved in aviation since shortly after World War II. He joined EAA in the mid-60
Teresa Ann Sloan
Terri began flight lessons at age 16 and learned to fly before she learned to drive a car. She earned her private pilot
Tersa Sloan's Central Washington University Flight Technology Program!