Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

This aircraft is piloted by Dave & Jeanne Allen of Elbert, CO.
The profile of the WACO ASO.
Dave & Jeanne Allen
The Allen's both grew up in California's San Joaquin Valley, Jeanne in Madera, Dave near Fresno. He spent summers getting up at the first sound of a round engine and racing on his bicycle to where the crop duster was working. Dave began his career in ag aviation as a flagman at age eleven, but was forced into early retirement by his parents after being poisoned at age sixteen. Fortunately, Jeanne had a more normal childhood. School, military, marriage, raising two wonderful boys and work took up the intervening years. But round engine biplanes were not forgotten. Dave and Jeanne restored the Straightwing Waco they fly and enjoy sharing their love of aviation in general and vintage aircraft in particular. They are grateful and proud to be a part of the National Air Tour.
Dave Allen is honoring John H. Livingston Jeanne Allen is honoring Mrs. Jessie Keith Miller
American WACO Club
WACO Air Muesum