Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

This New Standard is one of two brought on the tour by Rob Lock & Bob Lock(Waldo Wright's Flying Service) of Powell, OH.
Sitting Quietly
New Standard NC-9125 sits quietly on a grassy field.
Rob Lock
Rob Lock (aka Waldo Wright jr.) has been around antique airplanes as long as he can remember. His father, Bob, who is also piloting one of the ships on the Air Tour, was an A&P instructor during his youth and seemed to always be restoring and/or repairing antique biplanes during his youth. Young Rob was able to hitch a ride from central California to Los Angeles in a Waco UPF-7 when he was 12 years old and has been hooked by the romanticism of that biplane flight ever since.
Rob, being 6' 10" tall, took up basketball and eventually played professionally both in the NBA and in Europe before retiring from the sport to pursue that dream that was nurtured during his fly. He had purchased two 1929 New Standard biplane projects in 1990 and began the long arduous task of having both biplanes restored to turn back the clock and relive the "Golden Age of Aviation". His company, Waldo Wright's Flying Service, was formed with the intent to share the thrill of a flight in an open cockpit biplane that had so effected him as a kid.
The dream became reality on June 8th of 2000 when the first New Standard emerged and flew for the first time in over 50 years. Now with the second airplane flying, both father and son are one of the few true remaining "barnstormers" that fly all year around. You can find them hopping rides in both airplanes in the mid-western states during the summer, and at Kermit Weeks' Fantasy of Flight during the winter months.
Rob Lock is honoring Lloyd O. Yost
Waldo Wright's Flying Service