Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

Wednesday, September 10, beginning at approximately: 01:30 PM.
Thursday, September 11, beginning at approximately: 08:00 AM. |
National Air Tour arrivals and departures will extend over a period of time, please see the comments below for more information. The schedule is weather and wind permitting - subject to change without notice. |
The National Air Tour will land and depart from the Anoka County Airport in Baline, MN. The airport is located off of 35W North; exit US 10 West which is "Exit 30" (north of I-694) and then exit on Airport Road.
Aircraft will be parked at the south end of the airport near the beacon; Golden Wings Flying Museum.
What ever you do don't miss the fun at the Anoka County airport. Ships begin arriving around 1:30 to 2:00, an announcer will tell about the ships as they arrive. There will be guest speakers, awards and hoopla and a general great time.
Best of all it's FREE to come and see the planes on display. You can converse with the pilots and generally get a feel for what is was like during the Golden Age of Aviation.
Starting in the late afternood there will be a BBQ and hangar dance featuring the "Front Porch Swinging Liquor Pigs" a genuine bluegrass 20's & 30's band; there is a modest charge for the food and dance ($8.00 & $5.00 respectively).
Golden Age Airplane rides will be available beginning around noon.
There are a number of Minnesota pilots and aircraft on the National Air Tour, come on out and see this wonderful once-in-a-lifetime event!
Note that arrivals may extend over a period of up to two and and a half hours starting with the estimated time shown.

* The red arrow on map indicates the airport where the National Air Tour will arrive/depart.

St. Paul, hosted the National Air Tour in 1926, 1928 and 1929. The tours played a significant role in the development of commercial aviation in what was then called |

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