Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

Historic 4,000-mile journey follows path of uncompleted 1932 tour with 25 vintage aircraft landing in more than two-dozen cities; Air Tour to celebrate Centennial of Flight in 2003

Click here to download the tour map and schedule:
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OSHKOSH, (July 26, 2002) The Aviation Foundation of America today announced at EAA AirVenture, the planned route for the National Air Tour 2003. The route will complete a tour planned but never flown, more than seventy years ago.
The 1932 National Air Tour was planned to travel a tour route of over 4,000 miles, visiting more than two-dozen cities and towns along the way. With the onset of the Great Depression however, the tours were canceled, never to be flow again, until the upcoming re-creation of the National Air Tour in 2003.
In September of 2003, after a hiatus of nearly three quarters of a century, the National Air Tour will again depart from Dearborn, Mich., just as it did between 1925 and 1931. The 2003 Tour will pick up where the 32 tour left off, by visiting over two-dozen cities and towns and traveling over 4,000 miles. Many of the towns on this tour were also stops on earlier tours and will be visited once again.
In many ways, the 2003 National Air Tour is finishing some unfinished business, said Greg Herrick, president of the Aviation Foundation of America, the 501(c)(3) foundation sponsoring the tour re-creation. The 2003 National Air Tour also highlights the intent of the original tours, to showcase the progress of aviation in America, Herrick noted. With the centennial of flight in 2003, I cant think of a better way to share and celebrate a century of aviation progress than to re-create this historic event.
Plans for the re-creation of the 2003 National Air Tour call for a departure from Dearborn, Mich., on September 8 and, if all goes as planned, returning to Dearborn on September 24. |
National Air Tour 2003
Route & Schedule as of July 2003
Monday, September 8th 221 miles
Dearborn > Kalamazoo > South Bend > Chicago (Lansing, IL) |
Tuesday, September 9th 111 miles
Chicago/Lansing, over Meigs > Milwaukee |
Wednesday, September 10th 324 miles
Milwaukee > Wausau > Minneapolis |
Thursday, September 11th 424 miles
Minneapolis > Mason City > Des Moines > Kansas City |
Friday, September 12th 171 miles
Kansas City > Wichita |
Saturday, September 13th layover
Wichita |
Sunday, September 14th 372 miles
Wichita > Tulsa > Fort Worth |
Monday, September 15th 386 miles
Fort Worth > Shreveport > Little Rock |
Tuesday, September 16th 348 miles
Little Rock > Memphis > Birmingham |
Wednesday, September 17th 150 miles
Birmingham > Atlanta |
Thursday, September 18th 301 miles
Atlanta > Greenville, S.C. > Winston-Salem |
Friday, September 19th 258 miles
Winston-Salem > Wilson, N.C. > Manteo, N.C. |
Saturday, September 20th layover
Manteo, N.C. > Kill Devil Hills, N.C |
Sunday, September 21st 300 miles
Kill Devil Hills, N.C. > Richmond, Va. > Frederick, MD/Washington, D.C. |
Monday, September 22nd 164 miles
Frederick, MD/Washington, > Pittsburgh |
Tuesday, September 23rd 234 miles
Pittsburgh > Dayton |
Wednesday, September 24th 186 miles
Dayton > Dearborn
Total distance approximately 4,000 statue miles. Sixteen nights on the road. Specific airports to be determined. Schedule is weather and equipment permitting.
Tour Map and Schedule PDF