Aviation Foundation
of America, Inc.
121 5th Ave. N.W.
Suite 300
New Brighton, MN 55112
A 501(c) (3) public charity

Greg Herrick
Aviation Foundation of America
MINNEAPOLIS (November 11, 2002) The Aviation Foundation of America recently signed an agreement with the U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission to become part of the yearlong celebration honoring the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers' first powered flight.
As a result of the memoranda of agreement, the Aviation Foundation of America will become an official part of the "Centennial of Flight: Born of Dreams -- Inspired by Freedom" celebration and will help promote the national commemoration. The Commission will, in turn, provide outreach support to the Aviation Foundation of America.
In celebration of the Centennial of Flight, and it the spirit of promoting and preserving civil aviation, the Aviation Foundation of America is organizing the National Air Tour - 2003. The original National Air Tours, also known as the Ford Air Tours, were held each year from 1925 through 1931. The tours departed Ford Airport now the Ford Motor Company proving grounds in Dearborn, Mich. transited varying routes around the country and returned to Dearborn.
The 2003 re-creation of the National Air Tour also coincides with the 100th anniversary of Ford Motor Company, the company that originally sponsored the tours. The first National Air Tour in 1925 included 17 official aircraft entries and covered nearly 1,800 miles. The longest tour, held in 1928, covered more than 6,300 miles and included 25 aircraft. The 2003 National Air Tour will be held in September of 2003 and will visit more than two-dozen cities and towns and till travel more that 4,000 miles.
Details about the National Air Tour initiative may be found on the World Wide Web at or by contacting the Aviation Foundation of America, National Air Tour, 121 5th Avenue N.W., Suite 300, New Brighton, MN 55112. Telephone: 651-255-1999. E-mail: The Aviation Foundation of America is a 501(c) (3) public charity.
The U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission was created by Congress to expand national and international interest in the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of powered flight through a national awareness campaign, "Centennial of Flight: Born of Dreams -- Inspired by Freedom." More information about the Centennial of Flight celebration and details about the events being planned may be found online at More information also is available from Christian Markow of the Commission on 804/675-8153 or